8th October

Date: 12th Oct 2018 @ 8:23am

We have had an excellent week this week with the children producing some amazing narrative writing on surviving a dangerous avalanche and also making Imovies on the eruption of Vesuvius and destruction of Pomepii.  Both pieces have been amazing!  In maths we have been looking at multiplying decimals using known multiplication facts and place value.  This has been a challenge for some and would be a great focus for some extra work at home if possible.


Take a look at our class and school featuring in the newspaper https://www.middlewichguardian.co.uk/news/16974334.primary-school-receives-recognition-from-bbc-on-national-poetry-day/?ref=mr&lp=10

Can you spot your art work?



Mission Statements

St Mary's is a family.

Mission Statements

Each one of us is cared for, looked after and made to feel welcome.

Mission Statements

We learn to live the values Jesus taught.

Mission Statements

Be courteous, considerate and kind.

Mission Statements

Show respect for others..

Mission Statements

Work hard.

Mission Statements

Do your best with the gifts you have been given.

Mission Statements

Improve your talents and skills for the future.

Mission Statements

St Mary's Catholic Primary, Manor Lane, Middlewich, Cheshire, CW10 9DH