Governance at St Mary’s Catholic Primary School
What does a School Governing body do?
The role of a Governing body is defined by the National Governors Association as a strategic one with the key functions to:
- set the aims and objectives for the school
- set the policies for achieving those aims and objectives
- set the targets for achieving those aims and objectives
- monitor and evaluate the progress the school is making towards the achievement of its aims and objectives
- be a source of challenge and support to the head teacher (a critical friend)
The Governors do not operate individually they work as part of a team. They are all volunteers and do not get paid for this role. The governing body is chosen to have as broad a range of knowledge and skills as possible to support the school. According to these skills, the governors sit on various committees.
The committees at St Mary’s are:
Personnel & Finance
Rev Mr C Wells Mr R Davies Mr I Camacho Mrs J McKinlay Rev Fr P Dutton Vacancy Vacancy
Teaching & Learning |
Mrs J McKinlay Mr D Coxon Mr D Orr-McGuinness Mrs L McIntosh-Conlon Mrs A Pink Mrs G Dillon |
Governors are required to attend committee meetings and Full Governing Body (FGB) meetings each term. These meetings follow strict agendas and the minutes are recorded.
Governors are linked to members of teaching staff with which they meet up at least twice per academic year.
The Headteacher produces a detailed report for the Governors at each FGB.
Governors attend training and courses relevant to their roles.
How is the Governing body made up?
- Foundation Governors: Rev C Wells, Fr. P Dutton, Mr. R Davies, Mrs. A Pink, Mr. Ian Camacho, Vacancy
In Catholic schools, foundation governors – practising Catholics appointed by the Diocese – make up the majority. A foundation governor has a responsibility to preserve and develop the Catholic character of the school, but like all governors, also has to ensure high standards of educational achievement by the children.
- Parent Governors: Mrs. Lisa McIntosh-Conlon and Mrs. Gemma Dillon
Parent governors are elected to the governing body by the parents to represent them.
- Local Authority Governor: Mr. David Coxon
The Local Authority is a key partner in school governance and has a representative.
- Teacher Governor: Mr. Denis Orr-McGuinness
- Head Teacher: Mrs. Janet McKinlay
- Clerk to Governors: Mrs. Su Garbutt
The Chair and/or the clerk can be contacted at the school address.