SEN - Special Educational Needs

Useful information for Parents and Carers

At St Mary's Catholic Primary School, we are committed to providing an inclusive education for all children, regardless of need, through a wide range of provision and intervention strategies. However, we understand your child's education begins at home. This page will offer you advice, useful websites or outside agency information to support you at home with your child.

Cheshire East Local Offer

Cheshire East provide information on a range of agencies and resources to support parents and carers with their children. Resources including contact numbers of parent coffee morning groups, videos and website suggestions are available through their website. Click here

Cheshire East Information, Advice and Support (CEIAS):

The Cheshire East Information, Advice and Support team (CEIAS) offers free confidential and impartial information, advice and support to parents and carers of children who have special educational needs or disabilities (SEND).

You can find further information about their service by clicking here.

Cheshire East Parent Carer Forum

Cheshire East Parent Carer Forum Logo

Cheshire East Parent Carer Forum is a voluntary group of enthusiastic, dedicated parent and family carers.

Our aim is to work in partnership with everyone who can help improve the quality of life for children and young people.

Parent Carer Members will benefit from advice, training and the ability to ask questions of other carers and professionals, as well as attending events. Many of our parent carer members also say the benefit of the Forum is to have easy access to friendly, local people who understand what it’s like to have a child with additional needs and are willing to help.

 Click here for the website.  

If you would like to meet with Laura Dziamarski (SENCO) to discuss any concerns you have, please contact the office for an appointment at


Other useful links for parents / carers:

Cheshire East Local Offer (Directory of support services in Cheshire East):


Files to Download

Mission Statements

St Mary's is a family.

Mission Statements

Each one of us is cared for, looked after and made to feel welcome.

Mission Statements

We learn to live the values Jesus taught.

Mission Statements

Be courteous, considerate and kind.

Mission Statements

Show respect for others..

Mission Statements

Work hard.

Mission Statements

Do your best with the gifts you have been given.

Mission Statements

Improve your talents and skills for the future.

Mission Statements

St Mary's Catholic Primary, Manor Lane, Middlewich, Cheshire, CW10 9DH