Religious Education

Our Vision for Religious Education

Our vision is to provide a Catholic Christian education based on the life and teaching of Jesus Christ, in which the values of the Gospel underpin all aspects of school life. We recognise that our children are the leaders of tomorrow and therefore we want them to be ready to contribute actively and responsibly to society so they can make the world a better place.


Please see the link below to the CSI documentation.


The Rev Chris Wells is the RE/RSHE and P&L Link Governor.

Parents had the opportunity to complete an online questionnaire on School Spider. If you didn't have the opportunity to do so at the time, there is word document of the questionnaire below which you may download and complete if you would like to give any feedback about the Catholic life, RE or prayer life at this school.

Files to Download

Mission Statements

St Mary's is a family.

Mission Statements

Each one of us is cared for, looked after and made to feel welcome.

Mission Statements

We learn to live the values Jesus taught.

Mission Statements

Be courteous, considerate and kind.

Mission Statements

Show respect for others..

Mission Statements

Work hard.

Mission Statements

Do your best with the gifts you have been given.

Mission Statements

Improve your talents and skills for the future.

Mission Statements

St Mary's Catholic Primary, Manor Lane, Middlewich, Cheshire, CW10 9DH