Welcome to the page of the Parents & Teachers Association for St Mary’s. It’s not just for Parents and Teachers though, it’s for all stakeholders in the school including carers, guardians, grandparents and other family members of the pupils, and teaching assistants, support staff and governors of the school.
What is the PTA for?
The PTA is an independent charity (Reg. 1098070) managed by Committee and governed by Trustees set up specifically to benefit the education of the pupils of St Mary’s. We run a variety of events and projects throughout each academic year to achieve two clear objectives:
- To develop effective relationships between all stakeholders. In other words, to bring the school community together,
- To engage in activities or provide equipment which supports the school. In other words, raise money for specific things otherwise outside the school’s budget.
Is it mainly about fundraising?
Some activities focus more on bringing people together socially, others focus on raising money. Typical activities might include a Summer or Christmas fair or cake sales but we also arrange some less obvious activities, such as online donations or seeking out community funding.
Our fundraising activities are sometimes for a specific project, other times for general purposes. The PTA review and usually approve applications for funding from the school and we always encourage people, both parents and teachers, to apply for or suggest projects that the PTA can support financially.
What would I get out of being involved?
In reality, the PTA can be so much more. It’s an opportunity for parents or any stakeholders to be involved in the school and in the children’s education. It’s an opportunity to meet productively and socially with other interested stakeholders. It’s an opportunity to be on the Committee if you want a formal role, or just to turn up and either have your say, or listen to what others have to say, or it can be just to volunteer to help at an event for a couple of hours. The more people who are involved, the more diverse, balanced and constructive we can be.
What happens at the meetings?
With regular meetings every few weeks or so, we love to see people turn up either regularly or whenever their schedules allow. The meetings are low-key and sociable and they are not restricted to just the Committee members – any stakeholder is encouraged to attend.
Currently, meetings are most often held in the evenings to reflect the full-time employment of the existing volunteers, but we also try to accommodate other schedules periodically.
To try to accomodate those who wish to be involved but struggle to attend in person, we try to allow for virtual attendance where circumstances allow. When this is possible, the virtual attendance details are included in the meeting notification along with the time and location of the meeting.
Minutes and finances of the Annual General Meetings are published below and minutes of other meetings are always available on request.
What if I have a suggestion to make?
We welcome all enquiries so if you’d like to get in touch, offer a comment or suggestion, turn up to a meeting or help out at an event, please don’t hesitate to contact us directly either by email at, or by asking one of the Committee or class reps, or forwarding a note via the school office.
Chair – Emma Coxon
Vice Chair – Colette Webster
Secretary - Eleanor Fry
Treasurer – Chris Pountney
Publicity Officer - Caroline Stott
Class Reps
Reception – Colette Webster
Class 1 – Louise Page
Class 2 – Emma Coxon
Class 3 – Julie Ann
Class 4 – Emma Coxon
Year 5 – Unconfirmed
Year 6 – Unconfirmed
Matched Funding
A number of companies operate a matched funding scheme whereby they ‘match’ charity fundraising undertaken by their employees. As the PTA is a registered charity we are in a position to benefit from your involvement, however big or small, at any fundraising event. If your employer offers a matched funding scheme, please contact a member of the Committee. Thank you.
The PTA recommend Stikins labels for clothing and personal items, they stick on without ironing and stay on. Please click the link below to take you through to their site to order. The PTA gain a small commission if you do this.