Year 6 2023 - 2024

Mrs Hughes

Mrs Walker

Mrs Poynton

Year 6 with Mrs Hughes, Mrs Walker,

MrPoynton and Mrs Quilliam


Well Done Year 6 - you did amazingly well within SAT's week last term and we are so proud of you all. Thank you for all your hard work and dedication. 

Remember we measure your progress not just in test results, but in how you treat others, your attitude to learning and how you've developed into a confident individual over the years at St Mary's. Many of you excel in art, sport, singing, being a good friend, caring for others and these are just as important. Be proud of your many achievements, because as your teachers we definitely are. 

Only a few weeks to go until you will leave St Mary's :( All we ask from you now is to keep trying your best in all that you do, smile and enjoy your final term at St Mary's ! We want the best for each and every one of you :) 

Well done Year 6!


If you have any question, queries, worries or concerns then please do get in contact with Mrs Hughes or Mrs Walker via the school office and we will be happy to support in anyway possible. 

What are we learning this year?

To find out what we are learning this year, you can have a look at the Year 6 Long Term Topic Overview below.  


  • Reading records will be checked every Friday. You need to read at least 4 times a week and your reading record needs to be signed by an adult each time. 
  • Homework will be set each Friday and needs to be completed/handed in by the following Wednesday. Homework can be found on our class page under the Homework tab.
  • Spellings will be set each Wednesday and tested the following Wednesday. These can be found on our class page under the Spellings tab.
  • Times Tables will be tested each week on Friday. You need to be able to recall all of your multiplication facts and related division facts up to 12x12 as quickly as possible. Remember you can use Times Tables Rockstars to help you practise (please ask if you have forgotten your log in deatils)
  • Our PE days are Wednesday and FRIDAY . You can come to school wearing your PE kit on those days. 


Files to Download

Year 6: News items

Abernant Residential, by Mrs McKinlay

Year 6: Blog items

There are no blog items to display

Year 6: Gallery items

There are no Gallery items to display

Year 6: Calendar items

There are no Calendar items to display

Mission Statements

St Mary's is a family.

Mission Statements

Each one of us is cared for, looked after and made to feel welcome.

Mission Statements

We learn to live the values Jesus taught.

Mission Statements

Be courteous, considerate and kind.

Mission Statements

Show respect for others..

Mission Statements

Work hard.

Mission Statements

Do your best with the gifts you have been given.

Mission Statements

Improve your talents and skills for the future.

Mission Statements

St Mary's Catholic Primary, Manor Lane, Middlewich, Cheshire, CW10 9DH