Alma Thomas
Lesson: EYFS
Class: Reception Year: 2024 - 2025
We have spent a lot of time discussing our own differences and those of other around us. The children described themselves using words such as unique and one of a kind.
The children learnt that all differences should be celebrated as we are all special linking this knowledge to support the children to learn about why Black History Month is celebrated.
We looked at an image of Alma Thomas, creating predictions based on what we could see e.g. we could see a paintbrush so the children thought she must be a painter this lead us to explore the word artist.
We learnt about Alma Thomas' life, that she was a teacher and only became an artist at 68 years old. She loved nature and the use of vibrant colours.
The children then used some of her paintings as inspiration for their own art, using paint, collage and colour mixing to complete their masterpieces.