Balance Bikes

Lesson: Physical Development

Class: Reception Year: 2024 - 2025

Once the rain stopped we got the balance bikes out! 

We talked about why helmets should be worn and the children were able to explain it was because they keep our heads safe if we fall off. We all agreed on rules to keep us safe and minimise the risk of bumping into each other, including all of us going the same way around the track and stopping at the zebra crossings if someone would like to cross. 

Every child got to use the bikes, for some of us this was our first time using a balance bike but everyone encouraged each other and we all had alot of fun!

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Mission Statements

St Mary's is a family.

Mission Statements

Each one of us is cared for, looked after and made to feel welcome.

Mission Statements

We learn to live the values Jesus taught.

Mission Statements

Be courteous, considerate and kind.

Mission Statements

Show respect for others..

Mission Statements

Work hard.

Mission Statements

Do your best with the gifts you have been given.

Mission Statements

Improve your talents and skills for the future.

Mission Statements

St Mary's Catholic Primary, Manor Lane, Middlewich, Cheshire, CW10 9DH