Our Gallery
Working on area and perimeter, by Mrs Green
In the Chapel today sharing our pots., by Mrs Davies
Netball Champions, by Mr Carew
Eco Team Waste Week Assembly, by Miss Cook
Stories set in imaginary worlds, by Mrs Evans
Testing our favourite healthy sandwich fillings., by Mrs Davies
Roman Shields, by Mrs Evans
Learning about the Mass today in the Chapel., by Mrs Davies
Parable of the Sower, by Mrs Evans
Reconciliation, by Miss Appleby
SAXONS , by Miss Appleby
Egyptian Cinderella collage , by Mrs Wood
Egyptian Dance , by Mrs Wood
Book fair , by Mrs Wood
Making Canopic Jars, by Mrs Wood
Preparing for end of theme, by Mrs Green
The World Museum, Liverpool , by Mrs Wood
Great Agility, by Mr Carew
Salt and Science workshop, by Mrs Green
Music Lesson, by Mrs Doherty
Planting our beans, by Mrs Wood
We love bread!, by Mr Carew
Girls' football is such fun!, by Mrs Green
Our Roman Dips, by Mr Carew
Getting ready to present our work, by Mrs Doherty